David Bowie Eats Pie

The Bestest Sites in the World

Here's a list of sites that I believe you should visit.

The ultimate website. Quite possibly the only website you will ever need.
Seanbaby is one of the baddest mofo's online. Prepare to spend a long time at this site.
Jeff K
World famous hax0r/computer consultant
Trapazoid is one if the best Shockwave animators alive. And to think, he's only 15.
Charlie Nast
Cool depressing poetry. Dig his stuff.
Official web center for all artists and musical groups who do exactly what they are told not to do.
Essential Media
Online store for all your counterculture needs.
One of the greatest online comic strips. Dr. Ashfield is my hero.
Eeyore is the best!!!
My wife's site. She kinda likes Eeyore a little bit.

Fools' Press
Essential Subgenius reading material.
Bill T. Miller
Insane genius.
The Duke of Uke
A man and his ukulele.
Monkey Clumps
Website by a cousin of mine. Pretty funny stuff.